An American Pickle (2020) Review


An American Pickle (2020)

An American Pickle is about Herschel, an immigrant, who falls into a vat of pickle brine and comes out 100 years later, having not aged a day, to find the world is not what it once was.

This was a uniquely funny film, but nothing too groundbreaking. It’s obviously a ridiculous premise for a film, but it’s short enough to not drag on. It’s filled with a lot of heart and is about family and honor more than anything. The stark contrasts between Herschel and his great great grandson Ben, also played by Rogan, makes for an interesting premise. What I liked about it though was, for a Seth Rogan film, it’s tame, sometimes takes itself seriously, and isn’t the usual stoner comedy that he is known for. He makes an honest film about family that is both heartwarming and funny.

Obviously, Seth Rogan steals the show as the two titular characters, whom are family members 100 years apart but the same age. Both having completely different personalities, ideologies, and motives with Herschel wanting to succeed and prove to Ben he can make it in this modern world, and Ben constantly sabotaging his grandfather out of jealousy and contempt, to then see their relationship do a full 360 for them to live at peace with one another. It’s enjoyable.

Overall, it was a nice and welcome change of pace for Rogan, doing something satirically serious and doing it well. Again, nothing groundbreaking, but I like to see actors/directors go outside of their comfort zone and doing something new, and for that, I give American Pickle points where it otherwise wouldn’t probably get them. This one is an HBO Max exclusive though, which is the only downfall for someone wanting to give it a watch.



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