Citizen X (1995) Review


Citizen X (1995)

This HBO special tells the real life story of the 8 year long investigation, led by forensic scientist Viktor Burakov, of Russia’s most prolific serial killer, Andrei Chikatilo.

So, this movie is unique with it’s time and place being almost as important as the based in true events story it’s telling. Set in Soviet Russia from 1982-1990, it uses it’s setting to tell a story within a story. Yes, we have a deadly serial killed on our hands, who is killing at an alarming rate, but we also have obstruction, deflection, and sloppy party loyalty to blame for such an intensive and drawn-out investigation thanks to the current Soviet party members in charge. And most of the film deals with the consequences and aftermath of them getting in the way, focusing on homosexuals, non-party members, and diverting the investigation away from where they should be looking. It’s very interesting and a testament to how different this movie was in showcasing that more than the actual murders, which albeit, get a lot of screen time.

I really liked the odd respect and relationship between Fetisov, played by Donald Sutherland, and Burakov, played by Stephen Rea. They balance each other out well, considering they started out on very opposite sides. Rea brings such a gloomy exhaustion to the role of Burakov and his gradual descent into depression and fear for his own children is powerful. I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention how great Jeffrey DeMunn is as the "Red Ripper" and evil Chikatilo. He seems so innocent and unaware of his actions, all while raping, killing, mutilating, and eating his way through almost 60 victims, half of which were children. It’s a testament to his character though when hard police work doesn’t break him, but his own psychological profile does, when one knows us more than we understand ourselves.

Citizen X breaks the mold on serial killer films, using it’s Soviet Russian backdrop to tell a sub-story on the regime at the time and the reluctancy, and hypocrisy, of those who claim to be for the people, when in reality they are only looking out themselves, while of course, a serial killer runs rampant.



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