Doctor Strange (2016) Review


Doctor Strange (2016)

I just realized that this is the first MCU film to hit the page, so enjoy!

Doctor Strange follows neurosurgeon Stephen Strange whose life is altered after an accident. After regular medicine fails, he seeks out the healing of the mystic arts, which ultimately thrusts him into a battle between the dark and the light.

This and Guardians thrust us into the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe, with nothing being the same since. And I felt like movie did pretty good at setting all of that up, introducing the multiverse, magic, and the evil forces usually unseen to the human eye.

Origin stories are usually tough, with them often treading through the same charted territory as ones before them, with this being no different. That being said, it was still a decent setup, following closely to his comic origin. My biggest qualms we’re the Ancient One and Kaecilius though. Kaecilius came off as boring, uninteresting, rushed, and a one note villain, that mirrored the protagonists powers. And the gender bent, white washed Ancient One didn’t really sit well with me and she was not believable as this almighty sorcerer who gets taken down easily.

I did however love when we actually got into the mysticism and into the dark realm because it was just stunning. The visuals at times were a mix between inception and a much trippier Guardians of the Galaxy, with color blasting off the screen and really bringing the late Jack Kirby’s art style to life.
The casting was also done well, including Benedict Wong, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mads Mikkelson (who could’ve done so well, but was practically shafted), and of course, Strange himself, Benedict Cumberbatch, who nails the egotistical, selfish, flawed, and sarcastic Sorcerer Supreme very well, nailing the American accent too.

The third act does a great job of progressing Strange as a character, showing what makes him the most powerful sorcerer alive, with his intellect, grit, and outside of the box thinking. Not to mention the final bit with Dormammu was acid-tastic and hilarious, all while showcasing the immense power that Dormammu has, and will certainly have in the future.



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