Supernatural S14 (2018) Review


Supernatural (S14 2018)

Supernatural Season 14 sees the Winchesters deal with multiple huge issues, one after another, with Michael possessing Dean, Jack losing his soul and going rogue, and of course God ending it all with raising the dead!

This season somehow raised the stakes from even last season, presenting Sam and Dean with challenge after challenge and setting up the final season, while still remaining entertaining. And entertaining it was! As I mentioned, a lot happens in this season, from cool monster of the week episodes like the bug-man, the Halloween slasher tribute, and even deviating a little bit, showcasing the terrifying dark side of Nick, Lucifers vessel before his death; a storyline which saw him give into who he really is as an all-too-human murderous psychopath. The main story took center stage here though, with the Dean/Michael storyline taking up the first half, with Jack literally killing Michael, thus sacrificing his soul. A move that would come back to bite him as he accidentally kills Mary, setting up the second half.
Just like last season, this season sees some surprise returns in the form of Garth, fan-favorite Chuck/God (!!), and of course, John Winchester’s long awaited return for Episode 300, which I can almost guarantee did not leave a dry eye for anyone watching, in what was probably my favorite episode of the season.

We also saw great performances from Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelecki, Misha Collins, and Alexander Calvert, but it’s once again Mark Pellegrino who shines so bright, as his turn as the vengeful and psychopathic Nick brought such an unfiltered human violence to a show that focuses on monsters, demons, and angels.

While so much seemed to go wrong in this season for our protagonists, with Dean having to make the decision to sacrifice himself way too much, it was a fun and very exciting season that went into uncharted territory, with not only story, but visuals, really doing a lot for a low-budget CW show. Oh, and finally setting up the final showdown with God, I can’t wait. Welcome to the End!



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