Revenge of the Nerds (1984) Review


Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

Revenge of the Nerds follows two friends as they create their own fraternity of nerds to get revenge on the jocks who have been tormenting their lives since their arrival to college.

This has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years as it reminds of simpler times with my dad, and because it’s just hilarious. Being a typical 80s college comedy, it includes all the familiar tropes of the genre including fraternities, parties, and of course—chicks. It also includes the classic underdog story of the lesser fraternity battling the overwhelming power, which in this case is the jocks, feeling like a Greek life civil war, especially with the Greek Games (which reaaally brings me back to my own college days with Greek Week). And while it utilizes all of this, it still feels fresh with it’s comedy, diverse cast of characters, and the triumphs of Lambda Lambda Lambda, who overcome all the odds and defeat Alpha Beta, get the girls, and take control of the Greek Life Council. It works for what it’s meant to be and that’s a light hearted, awkwardly hilarious, and redeeming tribute to all of the nerds everywhere who have ever felt stepped on or overlooked.

The cast is superb as well, including Anthony Edwards, Ted McGinley, Donald Gibb, Curtis Armstrong, and Robert Carradine who make their respective nerds, jocks, and outcasts all stand out as hilarious caricatures of their characters. Carridine in particular is excellent and is nerd who really brings the whole cast together— getting the girl, kick starting the chapter, and always being at the front of all the revenge tactics against the jocks.

Revenge of the Nerds is a raunchy, sex-driven, college comedy that exemplifies and parodies the culture of college and Greek Life. It’s wild, off-the-wall style is only made funnier in it’s fake fraternities and nerdy stereotypes, that very obviously went on to inspire comedies like American Pie, being an exploitative sex-fest of nudity and campus humor that is as ridiculous as it is inspiringly funny in it’s crudeness.

A must watch for anyone in or that ever went through college.



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