Sherlock S3 (2014) Review


Sherlock S3 (2014)

Sherlock S3 sees Sherlock come back from the dead to stop a terrorist attempt on Parliament, but a larger threat looms that threatens to derail both Holmes and Watson’s lives.

And we finally get our answer of how Sherlock faked his death and unlike most in the show, I found it quite clever, as it obviously had to have been planned early on. Compared to the past two seasons, season 3 really sets itself apart in being a more humorous and lower stakes affair, but still adding it’s bit of conspiracy and mystery. This season really focuses on John and how he took the death of his friend, but also how he moved forward, finding wife and finding some semblance of normalcy since his days of sleuthing. But of course, Sherlock disrupts that peace with them nearly getting killed, a lot, and Sherlock accidentally finding out the truth behind John’s wife Mary. Their friendship, though it sees its lowest lows here, also sees its highest highs, showcasing the admiration and bond that they really share through Sherlock’s best man speech. We also get another mega villain but he is short lived and never truly feels like much of a threat to the pair, even though he does beat Sherlock and leaves him with no choice but to execute in a series of cliffhanger endings that also sees the questionable return of Moriarty from the dead.

The cast, as usual is wonderful, including Benedict Cumberbatch, Amanda Abbington, Lars Mikkelsen, Mark Gatiss, and Martin Freeman, with an emphasis really being shown on Freeman this season with him finally taking a wife in his real life then wife Abbington, who was a great addition to this season, connecting well with the main stars. Mikkelsen, much like his brother Mads, is also beautifully destructive and cold as the season’s big bad.

Season 3 is an emotional trip and tribute to those around Sherlock, seeing him become more human than ever in his weakness to having true friends around him. He does slip significantly, feeling like the return of post-retirement, Jordan—still gifted, but he’s lost a step and needs to get it back. Something he will inevitably do with the return of Moriarty next season.



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