Get Carter (1971) Review


Get Carter (1971)

Get Carter follows Jack Carter, a London gangster who travels back to his hometown to track down who killed his brother.

I have been wanting to see this for some time, so s/o to HBO MAX for finally getting it. That being said, it was quite underwhelming.

It was confusing in introducing way too many uninteresting characters, in very short spans that are all too spaced out to remember names, actions, or even understand a basic grasp of what is happening throughout 80% of the film. It was unpredictable however, but not in a keep you guessing way, but more “why on Earth is this happening”.

What it does right though is its interesting blend of genres, which is like detective flick, but from the other side, as Jack is a ruthless gangster. And while his motivations make sense, the lack of reasoning with why he believes his brother was killed is a bit muddy (though he was correct). The distinct 70s British style of film making is all there too, which is both groovy and gritty in appearance that goes hand in hand with the swagger and cold-bloodedness that Carter possesses. Also, damn! That ending was so out of left field and just didn’t sit right with killing him after he gets his revenge.

Without a doubt, the only thing carrying this film is the unreal coolness of Michael Caine. He stands out among a cast of uninspired and forgettable supporting characters and antagonists, keeping you locked in at times that I was finding it hard. Cain is imposing & violent, and does all of that under the guise of a true gentleman, which makes his character one of his all-time best. That kind of classy badass feels straight out Kingsman, no doubt inspiring it in some way.

Get Carter is a classic British mystery that reinvents the genre in making a James Bond-esque gangster in Jack who is as good with the women as he is with a gun, all while operating on the wrong side of the law. It feels fresh and cool in not making Carter an outrageous stereotype of an action hero, with Cain’s performance being the only real saving grace of a dull movie with no clear villain for him to go against (which is important for a man avenging his brothers death).



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