X2 (2003) Review


X2 (2003)

X2 follows the X-Men as they must stop a mysterious villain from Wolverine’s past that threatens to wipe out mutants from existence.

The sequel to 2000s X-Men is highly regarded as one of the better X-Men films ever made and with good reason. It is a complex and very different story that builds on the disparity between humans and mutants and furthering that divide. This time around we see Magneto join forces with the X-Men to stop William Stryker, the man responsible for Logan’s adamantium skeleton, as he is controlling mutants in order to destroy them with the help of Professor X. Using Stryker as the catalyst was really smart as it pays off the mystery behind Wolverine’s origins that was started in the first movie, and creates a compelling villain to go up against the X-Men.

We also got the emergence and first hints at the Phoenix power within Jean, a bit of foreshadowing to her return from the dead in The Last Stand. And while it was no more than a glorified cameo, it was cool seeing Nightcrawler and the special effects behind his powers were extremely well done.
Somehow, those goofy leather getups only got worse, creating a silly look that feels pulled straight from the CW. The film does suffer from the same as the first, what I’m gonna start calling assistant villain syndrome, where lesser villains like Stryker’s son get more time, even though they are much less interesting than the primaries.

We get a lot of the cast returning, with Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, Femke Janssen, and Hugh Jackman, and introducing Alan Cumming & Brian Cox. Cox was great, being a straight up bad guy and outwits even Xavier. I did like the emerging love triangle element to Janssen, Marsden, and Jackman this time around too, as it always seemed better with Cyclops in the picture.

X2 improves on much of what made the first good and creates a captivating and story driven film that doesn’t need to rely on its’ action to be great. Much of it comes down to Wolverine and Stryker’s past, and having Cox and Jackman nail their roles so well, it creates for a good movie that feels like a mystery thriller first, and a superhero film second.



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