Justice League (2017) Review


Justice League (2017)

Justice League follows Batman as he must put together a team of heroes to stop the impending threat of Steppenwolf, now that Superman is dead.

Going straight from BvS to this, we see an immediate tonal change. Gone is the darkness and expert pacing and replacing it is a movie that is a tonal mess between comedy and illogical storytelling that feels like a half assed attempt at being the Avengers. The first half of the movie jumps around way too much and just tosses us into the Steppenwolf story, with zero build up towards such a villain and introduces way too many concepts way too early. It doesn’t even attempt to force us to care about these heroes and takes the ones we are already acquainted with and nerfs their abilities, while vastly changing their personalities to where they are unrecognizable. Don’t even get me started on Superman’s AWFUL CGI. It takes me out of this a lot.

Moving on to Steppenwolf and he is one of the most uninspired and worst villains I’ve seen grace my screen, being a one dimensional baddy who is only focused with world domination, I think? (BORING) He seems to pose zero threat to the Justice League, and yet he proceeds to beat them up and down the block, requiring them to bring back Superman from the dead, even though Batman just beat him..(guess he didn’t have enough prep time).

The positives, and there aren’t many, lie in Aquaman, Alfred, & sometimes the Flash. They all seem consistent in their humor and wit, and particularly with Aquaman and Flash, they have some of the best action scenes on screen.

The cast is pretty subpar, with no one really having much chemistry and featuring Ben Affleck, Jeremy Irons, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ray Fisher, Ezra Miller, Ciarán Hinds, & Jason Mamoa. Irons & Mamoa were my personal favorites, with Irons’ dry, sarcastic humor being a great complement to the illogical crapshow on screen.

Justice League, directed by Joss Whedon (very much not Snyder’s film), is a tonal nightmare that tries to introduce a whole crowd of heroes in under 2 hrs but lacks the hope & themes of the previous films, making it a lackluster experience with dull action and horrible storytelling.



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