Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Review


Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)

Zack Snyder’s Justice League follows the newly formed Justice League who must stop Steppenwolf from collecting all of the motherboxes and unleashing Darkseid on a Superman-less world. 

It’s finally here, after 4 extremely long years, and guys, it does not disappoint. This 4-hour long superhero epic, which barely felt like 2-hours it was so good, is much more in line with the characters we’ve come to know before and genuinely makes you believe in the Golden Age of Heroes. It’s methodical in it’s pacing, taking every bit of time it had, but still progressing naturally and smoothly through each scene. There is so much here to love, but above all else, it’s the heart and passion this film has. Its themes of family, teamwork, and righting the past wrongs of those you care for are striking and they’re set up beautifully to make big moments feel deep and inspiring. 

The actual heart of this film is Cyborg and the Flash, with Vic not just being a one dimensional half robot, he goes on a redemption arc that masterfully brings him around to acceptance of he is instead of what he isn't. And Barry, oh my god. He is mostly comic relief, but in times of absolute peril, his speed scenes are perfection, especially when he time travels (which is hands down my favorite scene in the whole movie). Him phasing as the world is ending, and managing to tap into the speed force to turn back the clock was mind blowing. I also can't help but love the constant sarcasm from Alfred, whose dry wit never feels out of place.

Gone is also the bickering and fighting amongst the team, and in it’s place is real chemistry and camaraderie, with the League acting as a well-oiled machine throughout and always putting the greater good before any momentary satisfaction they may derive from their actions. Never once do they feel more powerful alone and this time around it's nice that they can hold their own just fine without the help of Superman, who doesn't have to do much in his return, but is still quite badass.  I admittedly stood up, clapped, and yelled like a fool in Superman's return as well because 1. The rebirth suit is amazing and 2. Knowing this may be the last we see of Cavill's Supes, it was such a good entry for his character. Also, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern !!!

Steppenwolf also gets a damn good showing here, as he is a beast on screen. He’s menacing, relentless, and for once, you understand why no one can beat him—he’s a super armored nut who doesn't even need his parademon army to be effective. Much better than what we got in 2017. The small hints at Dasaad and Darkseid were equally great and I hope we get some sort of continuation for them. 

I cannot forget though, the beautiful score from Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL, featuring the return of Superman and Wonder Woman's awesome themes, but also a ton of new pieces that are brilliant in their tone setting nature. It elevates every scene like never before, especially scenes we already saw in the "original cut" making them so much deeper and profound.

The film is packed to the brim with talent as well, including Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Henry Cavill, Ciarián Hinds, Joe Morton, and Ben Affleck. Hinds is stunning as Steppenwolf and his vocal performance was perfect for the frightening villain. Affleck is also solid leader here, with his darker Batman being a great constant to the silliness of Miller’s Flash, and not seeming inferior to everyone like before.  As I mentioned earlier too, Fisher and Miller are steller and bring so much heart to an already very heartfelt movie.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League, finally restored by director Zack Snyder and significantly better than whatever the hell Joss Whedon gave us 4 years ago, is a masterpiece of cinema and of the superhero genre, combining Greek epics of old and comics to make a coherent and absolutely stunning picture that sets up so much more the DC Universe, while also giving us our first real Justice League on screen, in what was such an amazing payoff after 4 long years of waiting. 



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