Spider-Man 2 (2004) Review

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 follows Peter, who gives up the mantle of Spider-Man but must return after an accident leaves Dr. Otto Octavius with mechanical arms and a dream that threatens to destroy half of New York. 

Where the first Spider-Man introduces us to the inevitable tragedy that comes with being a hero, the sequel deals with the consequences being a hero brings to Peter’s regular life. Unlike most heroes, his balance between Spider-Man and his daily life is far from normal because he’s one of the few where his identity really matters. In 2, everything hinges on the internal and physical battle for Peter’s identity, which once discovered changes everything for himself and for those around him. Walking away from the suit and his dwindling powers proved to provide stability and hope for his regular life, drastically improving his pretty terrible situation. And while there is a thrill to being Spidey, it’s a burden, one that whether he likes or not, is his to carry. 

The inclusion of Doc Ock is also the perfect follow up foil for Peter because he, just like Peter, is trying to figure out his place in the world after his life is altered. This running trend  of Peter’s heroes turning out to be villains is just the conflict he needs to spark him into putting the suit on, and giving us one hell of a show with significantly better action and fight choreography as before. 

This sequel also sports a great cast, featuring Rosemary Harris, James Franco, J.K. Simmons, Kirsten Dunst, Alfred Molina, and Tobey Maguire. It’s hard to top Dafoe as a villain, but Molina delivers a wonderful performance that perfectly blends his superior genius and moral compromise that would put Peter in a rough spot. Maguire is also fantastic, once again, and you feel the power he brings to Spider-Man more than ever. 

Spider-Man 2, directed by Sam Raimi, is one of those rare sequels where it’s as good, if not better than the original, clearly learning from the first and using it to improve on the mechanics and meaning behind Spidey.



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