The Equalizer 2 (2018) Review

The Equalizer 2 (2018)

Now living in a new city, The Equalizer 2 follows Robert McCall, who, after his old agency friend Susan was ambushed and killed while on a case, takes it upon himself to track down her killer. 

With The Equalizer 2, it feels as if director Antoine Fuqua listened to all of the criticisms of the first and sought out to make a deeper, more personal movie that really explores Robert’s past. Having moved on from the events of the first (like the TV show of old), we know find Robert has set up a new life as a Lyft driver, doing what he does best, helping those around him and creating natural connections, that in my opinion, really center this film. Of course, the quiet tranquility of vigilantism can only last so long, when his only real friend left, Susan, is murdered while on a case, sending him spiraling into an obsessive hunt that sees him return to his old life for insight into who might’ve did it. And though it’s twist, having Dave be the actual killer, was evident from a mile away, it still introduces some very personal stakes which elevate this sequel to some thrilling ground. 

Like before as well, Fuqua really adds a fresh and dynamic quality to the action that constantly feels unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, integrating the people around Robert, as well as the elements, to give the explosive and tense as all hell finale some excellent stakes that rival the first films warehouse ending.

We get an even better cast this time around, featuring Orson Bean, Jonathon Scarfe, Bill Pullman, Melissa Leo, Ashton Sanders, Pedro Pascal, and Denzel Washington. Washington once again brings a cool-headed but impressively violent touch, that feels extremely personal this time around, getting the chance to show his range from playing the hero, to acting the role of father for Sanders’ Miles.

The Equalizer 2, directed by Antoine Fuqua, is honestly as good, if not better than the original, with an honest, human story that preys on Roberts innate ability to make family wherever he goes, proving you just don’t mess with a man’s family. 



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