Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) Review

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)

Jason Goes to Hell follows Jason, who, after being blown up by the FBI, possesses a coroner and returns to Camp Crystal Lake, where a bounty hunter awaits with a plan to truly kill him. 

Here’s a thought, if you have a “good idea” 9 movies into a series, it’s probably not a good idea. Probably my biggest gripe about Jason Goes to Hell (other than Jason hardly appearing in his own movie) is that it’s not a terrible concept and not even necessarily a bad movie, it’s just a bad Friday movie. The beginning started out so strong too, looking to call back to a simpler time where it was just Jason vs some unsuspecting dope. But no, they blow him up, some weirdo coroner eats his heart, and thus begins a bizarre cycle of him hopping bodies until he can be reborn again through the last of the Voorhees bloodline (one of which includes him trying to face fuck his baby niece). Oh yeah, forgot to mention, he’s had a sister this entire time, just chilling in Crystal Lake, seemingly waiting for the day her brother goes all undead, looking for his next of kin. 

Why the hell we’re introducing lore this far into the series is beyond me (and that’s not even mentioning the possible Evil Dead connection that’s made in this movie) and that specifically is why this one just doesn’t work. Director Adam Marcus is trying to reinvent the wheel here and turn Friday the 13th into just another random slasher, free of Jason, which obviously ya just don’t fuckin do man. 

Final Friday also sports an oddball cast, starring Billy Green Bush, Andrew Bloch, Leslie Jordan, Rusty Schwimmer, Richard Grant, Erin Gray, Steven Culp, Steven Williams, Kari Keegan, John D. LeMay, and Kane Hodder. I honestly would’ve loved Keegan in her own genuine Friday film, for the time she does get, she easily outshines LeMay and plays perfectly against Williams, however strange he may be. 

Jason Goes to Hell, directed by Adam Marcus, is really the Icarus of the Friday series, trying too hard to be different and change it up this far in and getting absolutely incinerated because of it, though will you believe me when I say it can still get worse? (Looking at you Jason X)



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